The Secret of Setting Goals

The Secret of Setting Goals

The simple act of setting a goal is the most important step in accomplishing it. It's that tiny first baby step, but it's absolutely required and it sets everything else in motion.Did you know that an astounding 97% of the population does not take the time to set goals? FamilyMint provides a great way for your children to get started on the road toward developing the goal setting habit.

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Budget their summer earnings for the school year

Budget their summer earnings for the school year

It feels great when your kids earn their first paychecks in their coveted summer jobs. Their first instinct might be to rush out and spend away. But what happens when school starts? The money is long gone. The best way to make that money last through the year is to set up a budget.

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Financial Illiteracy Is Killing Our Kids

Financial Illiteracy Is Killing Our Kids

Remember the 80's R.E.M. hit song, "It's the end of the world as we know it"? If we continue to do what we as a nation are doing fiscally, than those lyrics will ring true for our generation and more so for generations to come. Do you know the depth of our current trade deficit, national debt, and budget deficit?

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