10 Simple Steps to Setting Goals

10 Simple Steps to Setting Goals

According to a study conducted by the Journal of Consumer Research, “People who set themselves ambitious goals tend to be more satisfied than those with lower expectations.” People set goals with two factors in mind: expectancy and value. ‘Expectancy’ refers to how likely you believe you are to succeed, and ‘value’ refers to how good it will be for you if you do reach the goal.

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FamilyMint at Heritage Elementary

FamilyMint at Heritage Elementary

David Fiske, a 5th grade mathematics teacher at Heritage Elementary school in Saline, MI, and his class have completed the FamilyMint Money Management Certification program. The program was generously sponsored by Bank of Ann Arbor. Mr. Fiske stated, "Real life application is important for student learning. This program gave my fifth grade students practical experience using a financial program which connected with the mathematics concepts that they learn in the classroom and provides a financial unit that is clear and user-friendly."

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Money Meetings Encourage Life Long Positive Money Habits

Money Meetings Encourage Life Long Positive Money Habits

Have you set-aside ample time to regularly sit down and have “money meetings” with your children to discuss their money habits? If not, why not start now? And in addition to a successful school year, your children will also learn life long positive money habits.

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The 5 Secrets to Help Your Kids Achieve Their Goals

The 5 Secrets to Help Your Kids Achieve Their Goals

The secret behind these 5 secrets is that they aren’t just for kids. Leaders of Fortune 500 companies go through the same thought process during annual strategic planning as well as their daily priority setting. Start forming these habits now in easy, small ways and you’ll be giving your kids quite a leg up in the world!

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The Secret of Setting Goals

The Secret of Setting Goals

The simple act of setting a goal is the most important step in accomplishing it. It's that tiny first baby step, but it's absolutely required and it sets everything else in motion.Did you know that an astounding 97% of the population does not take the time to set goals? FamilyMint provides a great way for your children to get started on the road toward developing the goal setting habit.

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5 Really Simple Money-Smart Shopping Tips

5 Really Simple Money-Smart Shopping Tips

Who doesn't like to shop? Oh, I know there are guys out there that will say they hate shopping, but you catch them on the web surfing for a new Ipad or the latest and greatest gizmo. We're a consumer society. That's what we do...we buy stuff. But there's smart shopping and not so smart shopping. Who wants to be a smart shopper? Well here are some tips to help you and your kids stretch that dollar:

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Top 10 Money Tips for Parents

Top 10 Money Tips for Parents

“But why do I have to wait two weeks?” said my 12 year old son. “O, come on, please! I really want it and I won’t want anything else for a long time!” This was almost a weekly ritual in my house as my son would look through the Sunday ads for good “deals.” We had tried many things, including a mandatory two week waiting period, but nothing seemed to really help.

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Teaching Kids to be Money Smart

Teaching Kids to be Money Smart

Creating money-smart kids doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a skill and a behavior that has to be nurtured over time. The skill lies in learning the value of saving, giving, and spending conscientiously and understanding the difference between wants and needs. The behavior comes from the habits formed in doing these things over time and learning from mistakes.

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Financial Illiteracy Is Killing Our Kids

Financial Illiteracy Is Killing Our Kids

Remember the 80's R.E.M. hit song, "It's the end of the world as we know it"? If we continue to do what we as a nation are doing fiscally, than those lyrics will ring true for our generation and more so for generations to come. Do you know the depth of our current trade deficit, national debt, and budget deficit?

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