Money Milestones for Kids: An Age-by-Age Guide

Money Milestones for Kids: An Age-by-Age Guide

Teaching kids about money doesn’t have to be a difficult task if you simply build the process into your normal day-to-day activities. You can start the process with children as young as two years old. Here is an age-by-age guide to teaching money milestones to kids.

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Summer Jobs for Teens & College Students

Summer Jobs for Teens & College Students

Now is the time for teens and college students to begin researching jobs and submitting applications for seasonal employment. In fact, spring break is a perfect time to start looking for seasonal work. Here are some tips to help your teen or college student find a job this spring or summer.

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Another Look at Allowances

Another Look at Allowances

According to Lewis Mandell, a professor of finance at the University of Washington who recently studied more than 50 years’ worth of allowance research, “The kids who receive [a regular, unconditional] allowance tend to think far less about money in general.” He also said “Those children appear more likely to grow up to be ‘slackers,’ since they aren't learning to associate work with money.”

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Small Investments -- Compounding Returns

Small Investments -- Compounding Returns

Albert Einstein called compound interest the “eighth wonder of the world.” Compound interest works like magic, with your money constantly feeding on itself to grow larger and larger. How does it work? It’s easy really. Interest is earned and paid not just on your principal, but also on all the previous interest earned. Your total balance grows faster and faster without you doing a thing!

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Keeping Chores Simple (includes free template)

Keeping Chores Simple (includes free template)

We get many testimonials on the ease of use of FamilyMint, so we're very careful about adding features that add complexity that may not be used by a large portion of our user base.  Many FamilyMint families have indicated that they actually prefer to track chores manually / outside of an online application. The chore tracking and maintenance implementations we've seen online are anything but simple, and in our estimation, actually seem to cause more work in the end vs. simple manual methods.  This is one area where technology hasn't yielded a better result.

In line with keeping things simple... we thought we’d share what we do personally in our own families in hopes you might find it useful. 

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21 Simple Ways for Kids to Earn Money

21 Simple Ways for Kids to Earn Money

One of the best ways for children to learn the essential life skill of money management is for them to earn and be responsible for their own money. The following are some great money making ideas for children and young adults. Keep in mind that some of the suggestions are better suited for older children while others are suitable for younger children.

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"Kidpreneurs - Young Entrepreneurs with Big Ideas" A FamilyMint Book Review

"Kidpreneurs - Young Entrepreneurs with Big Ideas" A FamilyMint Book Review

Adam and Matthew are serial entrepreneurs and have boiled the subject of kids starting businesses down into 60 short and enjoyable pages. The look and feel is like that of a fun, colorful scrapbook rather than boring business book. I would definitely recommend it for parents with kids between the ages of 7 and 14.

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Budget their summer earnings for the school year

Budget their summer earnings for the school year

It feels great when your kids earn their first paychecks in their coveted summer jobs. Their first instinct might be to rush out and spend away. But what happens when school starts? The money is long gone. The best way to make that money last through the year is to set up a budget.

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Teaching Kids to Invest in Their Futures

Teaching Kids to Invest in Their Futures

Even adults can be put off by the complexities of the stock market, but with smart investing, the long-term rewards can be great, and getting started early helps build experience, confidence and financial savvy that will stand children well throughout life. The key in getting kids interested in stock investing is to follow the K.I.S.S. principle, Keep It Simple Sweetie.

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Explaining the Basics of Stocks and the Stock Market to Your Kids

Explaining the Basics of Stocks and the Stock Market to Your Kids

Financial markets are a driving force in our world, so having a basic understanding of how they work is essential to becoming truly money-smart kids. If it weren’t for the stock market, companies would be limited in developing products and services that help improve our lives; such things as life-saving medicines, energy-saving wind power, enjoyable movies and games, etc.

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