The Benefits of Giving Back
/Charity is the greatest of virtues and like any virtue requires training, discipline and patience. As any parent can attest, human nature can be inclined towards selfishness even in our youngest children. If a child has two toys, will he hold onto both instead of giving one of the toys to his brother? If she has two cookies, would she rather eat both or share one with her sister? Charity is something that needs to be taught and nurtured early in life. It starts out by repeatedly saying “share that toy with your brother” or “give your sister the other cookie.” We explain why we share and how it makes the other person feel. Although the child may give begrudgingly at first, it is a foundation from which untold future benefits will flow.
Through the act of giving, children start to build an understanding of needs outside of their own. They begin to learn about sacrifice and thinking of others before themselves. From this early foundation they are taught to see the good in giving to their family members, their friends, their church, or numerous other organizations that help out those less fortunate.
Through acts of charity we build an appreciation for the things we have, both big and small. FamilyMint is a great tool for instilling the virtue of charity and providing teachable moments as to the good in giving. By creating a charity goal, a constant visual reminder is given to the children every time they log in.
“One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, yet is the poorer. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:24-25
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