Pay Cash, Eat Healthy
/Want your kids to make healthier food choices when they are out? Have them pay cash. This is a somewhat surprising finding in a study by the USDA. In the study, college students that paid with cash made healthier food choices than those paying with an unrestricted debit card. And not only did they make healthier choices--eating more produce and less processed food--but they consumed less calories as well.
The reason? Parting with cash appears to force more thoughtful decision making, which gives you more time to make healthy food choices. Dave Ramsey explains this psychological effect by saying you can "feel the money leaving you" with cash.
Experiment with this with your kids and let us know how it goes!
Want your kids to make healthier food choices when they are out? Have them pay cash.
This is a somewhat surprising finding in astudy by the USDA. In the study, college students that paid with cash made healthier food choices than those paying with an unrestricted debit card. And not only did they make healthier choices--eating more produce and less processed food--but they consumed less calories as well.
The reason? Parting with cash appears to force more thoughtful decision making, which gives you more time to make healthy food choices. Dave Ramsey explains this psychological effect by saying you can "feel the money leaving you" with cash.