National Awareness Months

Did You Know...


According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, there are over 100 national causes officially recognized monthly in the United States. Most of them are notable causes (for example: Autism Awareness Month, Bullying Prevention Month, Black History Month, National Day of Prayer, etc.); others are just downright silly. Did you know that besides being Dance Appreciation Month, the month of July is also National Hotdog Month, National Taco Month, and National Hate A Nugget Month? What?!? Other quirky observances include National Celery Month, National Peanut Month, and National Frozen Food Month.

U.S. law allows for the declaration of selected public observances by the President of the United States. These events are observed on a specific day, week, or month, and generally honor or commemorate a public issue, social cause, ethnic group, historic event, or a noted individual. The President can also remove a previously mandated proclamation, such as National Catfish Day, defunct since June 25, 1987 (thank goodness for THAT one!).


National Financial Literacy Month is one of those special months recognized by presidential proclamation during the month of April. The intent of National Financial Literacy Month is to “highlight the importance of financial literacy and teach Americans how to establish and maintain healthy financial habits.” Additionally, April 20 - 27 is Money-Smart Week®. Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Money Smart Week® is a “public awareness campaign designed to help consumers better manage their personal finances.” Hundreds of organizations across the country including businesses, financial institutions, schools, libraries, not-for-profits, government agencies, and the media take part in this annual campaign.

Family Mint also promotes the importance of financial literacy and healthy financial habits, and provides a fun and educational way for children, with the help of their parents, to manage money and build financial literacy. Observe National Financial Literacy Month and Money-Smart Week® by raising money-smart kids. Check out for more information.

NOTE: No hot dogs, nuggets, celery, or peanuts were hurt during the writing of this blog.